How To Thrive With Multiple Interests
By the time you graduate school, your mind exists in a box. But you’re different. You want more. Here’s how you thrive.
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Deep dives on human potential, lifestyle design, & one-person businesses.
By the time you graduate school, your mind exists in a box. But you’re different. You want more. Here’s how you thrive.
You have $100,000+ trapped in your head, here’s how you get people to care about what you know.
3-6 months of beginner hell (making close to zero progress and questioning whether it’s worth it) is a natures way of filtering out people who weren’t serious in the first place.
You don’t need a logo, LLC, or website. You simply need a valuable idea and way to get it in front of other people.
The world is changing. Fast. What used to make people rich is falling out of style. If you can adapt, you will thrive.
If you value self-actualization, love to learn new things, and are adamant about contributing to humanity, this is a business for you.
Your follower count doesn’t matter anymore. We’re going back to the old way of building an audience.
12 hour workdays shouldn’t be forced. They should be seamless. If they are forced, you’re doing it wrong.
You don’t want to become an influencer, creator, or personal brand. You want tools that help you actualize your life’s work.
I’m going to give you a 60-day action plan to make your first $1,000. This graphic is what you will