The Internet Is Dead, And We Killed It
Most of the internet is made up of bots and AI generated content. The question is, does that actually matter?
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Most of the internet is made up of bots and AI generated content. The question is, does that actually matter?
3-6 months of beginner hell (making close to zero progress and questioning whether it’s worth it) is a natures way of filtering out people who weren’t serious in the first place.
Your follower count doesn’t matter anymore. We’re going back to the old way of building an audience.
You don’t want to become an influencer, creator, or personal brand. You want tools that help you actualize your life’s work.
I can’t believe it’s been under our nose this entire time.
The most authentic, profitable, and unique niche is you. Stop targeting a niche, start creating one.
A post popped up on my timeline the other day. The guy writing it is a social media manager. He’s
All new wealth is being generated in the digital space. What made the last generation rich probably won’t make you rich.
A creative is someone who solves problems with whatever combination of skill, knowledge, experience, and inspiration necessary in the pursuit of a goal, usually in the form of a project.
Look around. Everyone is stressed out of their minds. We all want to achieve big things, but it is becoming infinitely more difficult to focus on those big things…